At desima we are decicated to designing products that help connect people to nature. Our mission is to create products that make it fun and easy to grow your own plants at home.
At Desima we are committed to inspiring people to bring nature into their own home. This company was started to make growing your own plants at home fun and easy. Each product is designed to be beautiful and affordable. We are a husband wife team from Australia and China
We aim to have to products that you can use for life and are sustainable as possible. We are always open to ideas, so if you have any comments or thoughts, let us know on our facebook page or send us an email.

Kirk Dyer
The Australian native, with a background in graphic design, photography, industrial design and automotive design. He is passionate about beautiful product design that brings nature into your home.
Kirk moved to Shanghai after working for General Motors in Melbourne, Australia, before eventually relocating to southern china. When he's not designing, he loves to travel and growing his own organic produce.

Tina Dyer
Our experienced sourcing and logistics expert. Tina is the one minimising your postage cost and making sure your product arrives as fast as possible. Tina grew up in Huai'an, Jiangsu province, completed her studies at JiangXi University of Finance and Economics. Upon graduation she held several position in Shanghai, before relocating to Southern China. When Tina is not in the office, she enjoys travel and practising her culinary skills.