The Best Monthly Seed Club

November 24, 2016

The package arrived!
What I got in the October seed pack from UOG Seed Club.
Looking forward to all these growing and having a bumper harvest.
What I received in my October package

It has a nice ring to it, don’t you think? It sounds like the lucky packets we all cherished as children before sugar and plastic took over the world. Now, the prevailing trends of mass production at all costs, have forced us to proactively search for healthier dietary and lifestyle options. To most people who have neither the time, knowledge or resources to adopt a more organic lifestyle, this may sound daunting. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be. In fact, you can start growing your own organic produce indoors (or outdoors) with the Urban Organic Gardener’s (UOG) Monthly Seed Box, delivered right to your door!

Let’s face it – we all long for a healthier life, less stress and more quality time with friends and family. Increasingly, organic gardeners are discovering that growing your own organic food ticks all these boxes and gives you the benefit of being physically healthier, and financially more self-sustainable. Relatively few adults have experienced the sheer delight of having their hands in the soil, and the excitement of anticipating the germination of something they have planted, let alone the unparalleled reward of harvesting and eating something they planted from a seed.

Organic gardening is fun and rewarding for the whole family and promotes exposure to the sunshine and fresh air, and ultimately healthier fresh food. However, there are more serious reasons to consider growing your own organic produce.

Humans need to eat, just as surely as we need to breathe and there is growing evidence that our food is no longer fresh or organic. The use of toxic fertilizers, insecticides, and ripening agents is well publicized and research is confirming the harmful effects these chemicals have on our bodies. Add to this the ongoing Genetic Modification of our food, and you are probably losing your appetite already. If not, then consider this: industrialized mass production of fresh produce is known to:

  •       Adversely affect the livelihood of local farmers.
  •       Exploit immigrant agricultural workers.
  •       Increase the carbon footprint of the industry because of long-distance transportation.

These are a just a few reasons, but they are enough to be of serious concern.  As awareness spreads, more people are embracing organic gardening as a viable way to ensure that their families eat healthy, chemical free food, and they are having loads of fun doing it too.

When the opportunity arose to write a post about UOG’s Monthly seed club, I eagerly accepted.  Not because it was a sponsored post, but because I am a huge fan of their seed boxes.  There are several monthly seed subscriptions available, but UOG’s Seed Club by far offers the best value, even with shipping.  The UOG Seed Club puts organic gardening within financial reach of everyone and best of all, you will only get seeds that are hand-selected for you.Irrespective of whether you are gardening in patio containers or have backyard hydroponics, UOG’s seed packs are the way to go, because the UOG team creates your tailor-made parcel each month, taking into consideration your geographical location, prevailing weather, growing season and your growing preferences.  How do they know what’s best?  Well, I think there is some magic involved (and I suspect you will too when your first seeds germinate), but just to keep it conventional, they ask you to complete a small questionnaire about your garden.  Their seeds are:

  • Superior raw quality,
  • Untreated, non- Genetically Modified (GMO) Heirloom garden seeds,
  • Most natural seeds available, and (drumroll please…)
  • Guaranteed to grow!  Yes, it no longer has anything to do with the color of your thumbs.

The UOG team carry the pressure of sourcing exciting new seeds of only the finest quality every month, at unbelievably affordable rates, and all you must do is follow the easy instructions on each seed packet’s label, and watch the magic happen.  You will receive different seeds every month, and many subscribers say they enjoy receiving seeds that they might never normally have been exposed to, especially seeds that are more expensive and would be riskier to try.  You can expect your seed box to include vegetable seeds, culinary herbs, fruits and even edible flowers.

Seeds are shipped to your door on the 5th of every month in moisture proof, clearly labeled bags that, if stored in a dry, cool, dark environment, will preserve your seeds for many years to come.  I especially love that the seed bags have their own labels and instructions because many other seed clubs post their how-to instructions online and this can be a bit frustrating when you have a dirty garden spade in your hand.There are several subscriptions available, starting with a commitment of just $1 per month, which will entitle you to one variety of seeds per month with detailed instructions to grow.  Shipping is added at a cost of $1, and there are no hidden costs whatsoever.

Pro membership offers fully customizable plans ranging from $10 - $57.  Pro subscribers receive five seed varieties every month and their boxes also include soil, plant markers, and other surprises. Even with shipping, UOG’s Seed Club offers unbeatable value, and they even offer gift subscriptions.

Whether you are already an organic gardener, or you are keen to get started, UOG’s monthly seed sub boxes really are supreme.  The only thing that could possibly make them even more magical, (in my humble opinion) is if they were to tuck a recipe or two in, with ideas of how to prepare meals using the produce you harvest from your seeds.   While I dream about organic recipes, you can sign up for your UOG Seed Club Sub Box so long – you won’t regret it!
